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Economic sustainability in secondary education

Our project tries to incorporate and update parts of the curriculum of the subjects related to the current European economy, also highlighting the transversal values of European citizenship such as freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination.

The team

The team

Thirteen professors from the Finance Research Group of the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Education of the University of León (ULE) will develop this year and the next academic year a Jean Monnet Project focused on the training of ESO Economics teachers, Bachillerato and FP, in determining aspects for the current economy of the European Union.

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Mª José Rodríguez Jaume closed the training sessions of the European EU-ECO-FIN project at ULE.

Mª José Rodríguez Jaume closed the training sessions of the European EU-ECO-FIN project at ULE.

The sociologist and researcher from the University of Alicante delivered a lecture at the Faculty of Education on teaching resources with a gender perspective.

Carlos Maravall is attending today's training sessions of the European EU-ECO-FIN project at ULE.

Carlos Maravall is attending today's training sessions of the European EU-ECO-FIN project at ULE.

The economist will deliver a lecture on energy policy at the Faculty of Education (6:00 PM) as part of the CFIE course and for students of the Master's in Teacher Training within the framework of this Jean Monnet project.

The European EU-ECO-FIN Project of ULE Reaches Economics Teachers in Castilla y León

The European EU-ECO-FIN Project of ULE Reaches Economics Teachers in Castilla y León

It is a Jean Monnet project led by Professor Mayte Tascón, aimed at helping teachers bring sustainability into the classrooms of Secondary Education (ESO), Baccalaureate, and Vocational Training.

Teacher Training Course (CFIE), 2023 Edition

Teacher Training Course (CFIE), 2023 Edition

New EU Sustainable Development Framework for teaching in Economics