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ULE Jean Monnet project training session on economic sustainability

Last week José Luis Domínguez Álvarez participated as a lecturer in the European Jean Monnet Project EU-ECO-FIN of the University of León (ULE), whose session was held in the Faculty of Education. The conference was entitled 'From demographic challenge to territorial challenge: premises to combat the institutional abandonment of rural communities', focusing on the problem of rural depopulation, on how the demographic challenge is being included in the plans of the European and Spanish public administrations and by autonomous communities, and on the identification of some problems and possible solutions. José Luis Domínguez is a lecturer at the University of Salamanca in the area of Administrative Law and develops a line of research in the legal-administrative analysis of the demographic and territorial challenge.

This activity is part of the CFIE Course and the University Extension Course "New framework of sustainable development in the EU for the teaching of economics" which began on 20 October and will run for several weeks until 9 February. The conference was followed by a round table with the participation of three members of the European project, Laura Valdunciel, Ana Pardo and Gelines Diez, as well as the 24 on-site and 10 online students of the courses and other members of the project attending the event. As a guest at the round table, Raquel Domínguez, director of the Institutional Relations Department of the ULE, explained the different rural development initiatives in which the University of León participates, highlighting the RALBAR Scholarship Programme.

José Luis Domínguez is a member of the Expert Group for Demographic Dynamisation of Castilla y León, in charge of the design of the Autonomous Strategy for the Demographic Challenge of Castilla y León, and also carries out various activities as a collaborator of the General Secretariat for the Demographic Challenge of the Spanish Government, including those aimed at the development of a Strategy for socio-territorial cohesion with a gender perspective.

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